Happy endings are for stories that haven't finished yet
Today there was some minor bad news in my house, i only say minor because it wasn't a death or something else tragic, however it did affect most of us and my sister inparticular.
She found out today that her boyfriend cheated on her, which was a real shock as he really isn't that sort of person.
He moved away to go to university last month and things started to get a little rocky and so she sensed something was wrong.
We all have a feeling they will work past it and hope that they do, nobody can imagine them breaking up so fingers crossed that he comes back this weekend and everything gets sorted.
This event really got me thinking about love and how we are meant to detect if it's real or not?
People who i have seen in what i would call, good relationships are couples who act like best friends and intimate partners also. Those who never feel uncomfortable or embarrased around their loved one and who genuinely share everything together.
I also hear adults saying "You're too young to know what love is" and i wonder if that is in fact true or not.
Can you ever be too young for love?
I think you can, it is a strong word and we change and adapt ourselves accordingly when we find love, plans may change and things can be put on hold. And when you're young and have your life ahead of you, you should probably be thinking of yourself rather than another human as well.
There are many implications to love, it isn't a happy road to go down, not everything is rosey and swell, there are big decisions to be made, trust issues, paranoia.
Those in love have arguments, they push each other, but if it's meant to be you'll always work around things.
So why do we as a race want to find love so badly?
For me, love cannot be searched for, it has to be found unexpectedly.
There are countless movies and endless songs about that urge to find love, to have love and to have lost love.
I just don't know what it is we all want...
To take away the loneliness
To have someone to rely on
Someone to hug and kiss
someone to buy us presents and take us places
someone to plan things with
and to have that hope that we'll get asked that big question?
Luckily i am not one of those girls who is going to fantasies over a crush, or make girly plans on how to see them Saturday and then squeeze myself in to sit with them in the cinema.
I was never bothered about a romance, even though i witnessed my friends go through it, it never occured to me to find it.
Mainly because i'd seen those same friends be hurt by it and i really didn't want that low, pitiful feeling of being walked on.
So i wasn't interested, then nine months ago it did happen and i didn't fall head over heels, or loose my mind in love, i was careful not to get hurt and i wasn't about to put all my energy in to a boy, i prioritise my life and i believe i have had a healthy out look on love.
Because maybe one day it will be, but i can't see it for myself...
Perhaps i will end up watching some romance film on a Saturday night, crying whilst eating my way through sweets and chocolate asking why it went wrong.
Love doesn't always last but sometimes it does and when it's meant to last, it will do, not matter what.
"All we really want is loves confusing joy"
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