Sunday, 9 October 2011


Unfortunately in life we all have to make some tough decisions and sometimes those decisions may one day seem like a mistake or could turn out to be the best thing you decided to do.
The thing is, it is pretty scary making decisions in life, because you never know what will happen or what a decision may lead to. 
And so i can't decide whether that is exciting or just scary.
Though isn't that kind of the point of life?
Doing the unexpected, making the most of opportunities?

Here i am now, at 18-years-old and having to make probably the only important decision of my life so far.
And that is where i want to go to university, which city i want to spend three years of my life in, whether i want to move out and live on my own, or if i want to stay comfortable at home.
And especially if i want to move miles away from home or stay near my family and boyfriend.

I used to have it all planned out, i wanted to go to a university down south and get away from the north, because i have seen the north and i wanted new experiences.
And i seriously wanted to go as far away as i could possibly get.
Then i made the right decision to re-sit my year 12 and my mind was changed. Now i am wanting to go to Leeds Trinity University instead of moving down south.

And so i am left thinking if this is the right decision, because yes, i will be close to home and everyone in it, yet far enough to have a totally separate University experience.
But i did dream of moving away and i am scared i will make a wrong decision.

Though i suppose as long as i am happy and i am doing whats best for me, it's never going to be a wrong decision is it?

I guess we are all scared about where we are going to end up and who will be there with us, and we just have to take the journey and keep our own happiness in our heads and our dreams and goals in our hearts.
Because whenever something goes wrong, it always ends up turning right around anyway :)

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