Saturday, 20 August 2011


                 Do you believe in magic?

I truly believe in magical happenings and the supernatural. I also think everything happens for a reason and that certain things give us good luck and bad luck. Here is a short list of good and bad omens.


Black Cats - Black cats have been believed to be a supernatural omen since the witch hunts. They are believed to be connected to evil, it is considered bad luck if a black cat crosses your path.

Broken Mirrors - It is said that you will receive seven years bad luck if you brake a mirror.

Ladders - It is bad luck to walk underneath a ladder, this is because criminals used to be hung  from the top of ladders and their spirits were said to linger underneath.

Owls - An owl looking in your window, or seeing an owl in daylight is said to bring bad luck and death.

Sparrows - They are thought to carry the souls of the dead, it is bad luck to kill one.

Unlucky Number 13 - This is a commonly know unlucky number, most buildings avoid having a 13th floor.

Brooms - If a broom falls in your home unwelcome company will visit.

Dog Howling - A dog howling foretells the death of someone nearby.

Moon - It is bad luck to point at the moon at anytime.



Horseshoes - to find one and to hang them on your door is good luck.

Four Leaf Clover - Clover is said to ward off evil and to find a four leaf clover is very lucky.

Rabbits foot - A rabbits foot worn on a chain around your neck or kept in your left back pocket is said to ward off bad luck and bring good luck. The older the foot gets the more luck it brings.

Shooting stars - To see one you shall make a wish, you must not tell a soul what you wished for or it will not come true.

Garlic - To be worn around the neck is said to worn off vampires

Money - To find money on the floor is good luck.



If the flame of a candle flickers then turns blue, there is a spirit in the room.

If a bird flies through your home it indicates the bringing of important news, if it can't get out the news will be death.

A person born on Halloween will have the ability to communicate with the dead.

If a person experiences great horror their hair will turn white.

Of course all these things are a matter of opinion, however for those who do choose to believe in magic, for them people it is real.
For a long time i haven't felt like everything is as it seems, i believe there is so much more than what the eye sees. 
I suppose my biggest magical belief is fate;  we are all on our separate paths those people that touch our lives and then leave will have left for a reason, those who stay will stay for a reason. 
I don't agree with holding onto the negative things, it's much easier to let go off the badness that life brings us and move forward.
Recently i have been really worried about where my life will go and if i will loose the good things i have now, but nothing is ever lost it's just replaced.
If you love something with more love than anything else you will never leave it.

                                       "Science only goes so far and then comes God."

Now i don't personally believe in god and do not follow a religion. Though i would like to say people believe in God so they have something to rely on, somewhere to turn to when things go bad or when they are feeling guilty, they also see God as the reason good things happen. 

For me i'd like to think there are guardian angles looking over us and helping us through our lives.

Others may choose to believe it is a family member that has passed away, watching over them.

Whatever your belief is, if it works for you, then it is right.


I once wished upon a star and that wish did come true, so i am waiting for another to come my way.
I believe finding pennies and seeing FedEx vans bring good luck.
I once thought i had seen a werewolf but nobody believes me.
I also made myself a little bag of luck that i keep with me when i could do with some good luck


A brilliant film to watch if you are feeling magical.
Practical Magic.

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