Saturday, 20 August 2011


I am a horoscope reader. I don't read them daily, or even weekly. In fact i barely read them at all, but every now and then i get the urge to see what my horoscope has in store for me. 
This is in relation to my earlier post about magic, because the opinions on horoscopes differ. Some people think they are nothing more than nonsense and others completely follow them.

I googled my horoscope today and this is what i found for Scorpio :) as my birthday is 22nd November.

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Scorpio Traits

determined and forceful
emotional and intuitive
powerful and passionate
exciting and magnetic

On The Dark Side

jealous and resentful
compulsive and obsessive
secretive and obstinate

Scorpios like 

hidden causes
being involved
work that is meaningful
being persuasive

Scorpios dislike

being given only surface data
taken advantage of
demeaning jobs
shallow relationships
flattery and flattering

Bark Scorpion

very venomous and nocturnal

Planet : Pluto
Color : Dark Red to Maroon 
Starstone : Opal

Your ego is strong today, Scorpio, and you have a strong will. This is a good time to put your plan for world domination into effect. Be sure you channel your powerful emotions into positive outlets. Create rather than destroy. Energy that isn't used in a positive way will end up manifesting as accidents or hostility toward people who don't deserve it

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