Monday, 29 August 2011


I don't even know where to begin with explaining my time at Leeds Fest. I shall start with saying that there are a hell of a lot of positives and a hell of a lot of negatives about going to a festival.

Part one. Arrival

My journey there was the most exciting part; i had climbed onto the train that took us to Leeds with a huge rucksack, a Gola bag that had a plastic bag attached to it and then a sleeping
We paid £4.50 for the train to Leeds and then we ran down to the bus stop that would take us to Bramham park and paid another £4.50 for the bus.
On the bus i was freaking out because we were on the top part of the double decker bus and i hate being on the top, however i was constantly taking photos and being captured by others.
When we arrived it was 21:00 and we had until three in the morning to wait until we could go in.
Then something wonderful ( for me ) happened, a stranger came over to our group and offered us a free early entry ticket, however we couldn't just let one person have it, so i told him we couldn't take it.
Then our group decided to buy early entry tickets anyway so i caught up with this man and asked him for his ticket, so whilst everyone was paying an extra £20 to get in right then, i got in for free.
Our mission was to find where our friends were camping and this took a long time to do. Nobody in our little group had any idea what to do, it was really loud and filled with thousands of drunk people who were laughing at us for arriving so late. 
And we had to walk for ages with our bags without having made any contact with our friends on where they were camped. Though we knew they were camping in Orange Campsite so we headed to there. 
The only reason we found it was because of the huge banners that advertised the different campsites and then luckily just as we climbed up a huge hill my friend made contact and came to meet us.
She then informed us there were no free spaces near our friends so we had to camp somewhere else, though we were still close to them.
Once we set up our tent we laid our sleeping mats and sleeping bags out and then got our alcohol and went to have fun.

Part two. Thursday

We awoke fairly early on Thursday to find one of our friends hadn't returned to the tent that night and to find our tent had been flooded by the huge rain pour that night.
Seeing as the bands didn't start until tomorrow our mission of the day was to find a programme.
These were tags that went around your neck and had a small booklet on the end that told you all the times the bands were playing each day.
We were told that people who worked at the festival walked around all day selling them for £10 however it wasn't until 19:00pm that we actually purchased one.
They came with a book as well which was cool.
That day i also bought a hat that dangles over your ears in the shape of a lion, i love that hat.
Basically this day was chilling in the sun and waiting for night time for me as my boyfriend was going to arrive at night.
Then night time came and i was on my way to meet him, when i found him i was drunk and so was he. We were heading to show him where our tent was until i was silly when i heard an MGMT song come on and i ran into a party, then i lost him and didn't see him again that night.
So i drunkenly went to sleep after an hour searching for my tent in the dark

Part three. Friday

This was a good day, i managed to find everyone i wanted to even though everyone's phones had died.
Today i was going to see Panic at the disco and Muse!
Whilst i was waiting for Panic at the disco i managed to get to the barrier even though i had to be dragged out of the crowd because i felt like i was going to pass out.
When i was at the barrier a man who towered over me and was clearly very drunk pushed me out of the way and tried to steal my place, i tried to hold on for a while but then i turned to him and shouted at him because i was much smaller than him, eventually he left.
Therefore i was able to enjoy Panic and it was great.
Muse was one of the best bands i saw, they were really good and put on such a show.
However it rained constantly on Friday so leaving Muse at midnight was horrible, the mud was knee deep and the crowd was all heading to the same place.
It took an hour to get back to our tent.

Part Four. Saturday

Saturday was by far the best day!
I was so excited for 30 seconds to mars and MCR that i was thinking about it all day long.
I also went to see Tim Minchin in the comedy tent and that was hilarious.
The sun was out this day and it was insanely good.
When 30 seconds to mars came on i went crazy and was so happy to be there. Then Jared Leto invited some of the crowd up on to the stage.
I was barrier for this band and the security asked me if i wanted help getting over the barrier to get on stage, but i was undecided whether to go or not because i wanted to be at the front for my chemical romance.
Then just as i decided i went to climb up then this girl dived on my head and pushed over me to get over the barrier, when she left i began getting over again and then they closed the stage.
If only i had decided to get over quicker.
Then My Chemical Romance came on, this was the band i was most looking forward to and they were crazy i loved there set and i was extremely lucky to be barrier for it.
That performance made my Leeds Fest.
After that i went straight to bed as i was so tired.

Part five. Sunday

Sunday was a tad disappointing for me because i literally didn't want to see any bands.
However i planned to go to the main arena for a while and try and find my boyfriend then get drunk until the morning, this was because we couldn't sleep in our tent because on the last night most tents get set on fire.
I got cleaned in the tent and just as i stepped out i saw my boyfriend and friend walking around, so i shouted them and they had been looking for our tent.
Then we went to visit some friends in other campsites and then headed to main arena.
After a few hours me and my boyfriend decided to go home and at six we headed to my tent to collect all my things.
My friends weren't too happy that i was leaving but i was ready for home.
Then i waited near the bus pick up for him to come out of guest camping and then we got the bus into Leeds, the train to Steeton and then a taxi to my house.
The night then consisted of proper food, which was a Chinese takeaway, a wonderful shower and then a comfy sleep.
I was very happy i had decided to come home and i realize now i am back just how much i loved Leeds Fest.

The Positives <3

1. The bands
2. The people i was with
3. The amazing atmosphere
4. The experience
5. Being somewhere different and new
6. The wristband
7. Getting a free early entry ticket
8. My lion hat
9. Being introduced to new bands
10. Meeting new people
11. buying my Leeds fest 2011 t-shirt
12. The sunshine
13. Going home early

The negatives :(

1. The crowd pushing into you 
2. Being punched by a women
3. My phone dying
4. Seeing people break their arms
5. Seeing people pass out during bands
6. Missing Ed Sheeran
7. The tent getting flooded
8. Getting cold during the night
9. people trying to set our tent on fire
10. The toilets werre disgusting and made me feel sick
11. Not getting on the stage for 30 seconds to mars
12. The overly priced food.
13. Leaving.

The bands i saw:

Best Coast
Cage the elephant
Chapel club
Panic at the disco
The Blackout
New found Glory
The architects
Tim Minchin
30 seconds to mars
My chemical Romance
Two door cinema club


Monday, 22 August 2011


Saying sorry isn't always the easiest thing to do and that can be for a variety of different reasons, you may feel that you shouldn't apologize to a person or you may feel your apology wont be accept even if you do apologize.
The thing to consider when apologizing is that even if you don't mean it, if the person is special to you, you know at the end of the day you will apologize. Even if you promise yourself to not give in and stick to your opinion, decision or whatever you should be apologizing for.
Of course people may not accept your apology but it's the thought that counts and they will then know you are sorry and have been brave enough to say it, whether it was sincere or not.
For me, apologizing is so i know i have done everything i can in order to make things right, it's a peace of mind thing.
On the other hand there is being the one that should be apologized to. Now there are people who are extremely stubborn and though they may be 100% in the wrong they will not let it show they are sorry in any way. 
I have known a few people like this and still do today, the way i see it, if you care for this person and you want to sort things out you will accept that it is a part of who they are. 
Then again other people just have too big of an ego to apologize under any circumstance and on occasion it is better to just walk away.
Accepting an apology can also be very tricky, you may be hurt or mad about what this person has done/said to you. And they could try their very hardest to make things up to you and though you may not think they deserve your forgiveness, we all have to live in this world together and nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes.
In my eyes we should all forgive and forget, because at the end of the day if you were apologizing to someone you'd want them to forgive and move past it.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Lot's of amazing colours

I am promising myself this is my last post today, i have become slightly addicted :) I noticed i am automatically drawn to brightly coloured things, something bright cheers me right up. Like the sunshine, everyone is happier when the sun is out. 


As it stands

Well then, today has officially sucked! I promised myself i would do some art work today and i have not done any , i should know by now that i will do this; I go back to school two weeks tomorrow for my FINAL year at school. Thank goodness. And i am pretty much busy up until then, so it's going to be a lot of late nights trying to finish this work and what do i do? Throw away two days of being free and having nothing to do. And of course i will leave all my work till the very last minute.
Honestly i don't have that much to do anyway, it's mainly annotation, sticking final pieces of work in my book and the big one doing my final piece, which i have no materials for and no ideas what to do.
I am not too worried though, i seem to finish work when i have little time remaining, but for once i'd like to give myself some space to be allowed to chill out all day without knowing i have some work to do.

I decided to take this opportunity to write a list of things about me, i don't like about Me's because i am pretty awkward and never know what to write. But this is my best shot at it.

1. I am 18
1. I live in England in a small village called Sutton
2. I work at a children's play center just down the road
3. I go to school but i did my year 12 twice
4. I love to go shopping even when i shouldn't spend money
5. I really don't care what people think of me
6. I have ginger hair which i try to make as vibrant as possible
7. I have the same tattoo as Jack Sparrow
8. I worry about things until they are completely sorted
9. I keep everything and i have a notebook that has all my secretive stuff in
10. One day i want to live by the sea; it's my inspiration to write
11. I have all these weird theories about life
12. I wont be happy unless i am being paid to write
13. I like Jeremy Kyle and Jerry Springer
14. I don't like Harry Potter and people hate me for it
15. I do however like Twilight
16. I will only read in winter or on holiday even though i love to read
17. I can't afford to have the fashion i want to have
18. I'd like to move out and live with friends
19. I need my alone time
20. I sometimes get the feeling something good/bad is going to happen and it does
21. I eat way too much sweets and fatty foods
22. I am helpless at saving money
23. I am very wary of other people in certain situations
24. I trust the decisions i will make
25. I will do what is best for my own happiness
26. I will make sure i will always help a friend or family
27. Sometimes i forget i just need to have a girly talk with my best friends
28. I don't like to show when i am upset
29. I think crying is really good for a person
30. People think i am weird 
31. A few years ago there were three things i wanted, i now have those three things
32. I'd live on a boat any day
33. I leave everything to the last minute
34. I used to plan everything and now i don't worry so much
35. I appreciate everything in my life and i should show it more.

"If life has taught me anything, it's that 95% of people are always wrong"
Edward Cole - The Bucket List


Lipstick, i mostly wear pink or a red/brown colour. I want some blue, red and black lipstick. I like to look a little bit different to other people and not a lot of people i know where lipstick at all. I however do not like lip gloss i think it makes your lips look slippery. I used to have a lip piercing but i had to take it out, i am going to get it re-done in winter. 


I always have painted nails, i have so many colours that i like to mix together, i use Barry M, which is the best make-up brand ever! It has so many colours and does everything. On my nail varnish wishlist there is: Black, dark purple, sparkly and crack affect. 
At the moment i have light blue on my right hand and red on my left :)


In summer i go crazy for dying my hair, i have ginger hair and i love it, i normally stick to oranges and reds to make my hair more vibrant. I put some yellow in my hair once and i'd love to dye it all yellow, but it would ruin my hair :( I love weird clips to put in your hair and glitter hairspray, if i could i would find a way to tie buttons into my hair.



Saturday, 20 August 2011


I am a horoscope reader. I don't read them daily, or even weekly. In fact i barely read them at all, but every now and then i get the urge to see what my horoscope has in store for me. 
This is in relation to my earlier post about magic, because the opinions on horoscopes differ. Some people think they are nothing more than nonsense and others completely follow them.

I googled my horoscope today and this is what i found for Scorpio :) as my birthday is 22nd November.

( 0,0)
"  "
Scorpio Traits

determined and forceful
emotional and intuitive
powerful and passionate
exciting and magnetic

On The Dark Side

jealous and resentful
compulsive and obsessive
secretive and obstinate

Scorpios like 

hidden causes
being involved
work that is meaningful
being persuasive

Scorpios dislike

being given only surface data
taken advantage of
demeaning jobs
shallow relationships
flattery and flattering

Bark Scorpion

very venomous and nocturnal

Planet : Pluto
Color : Dark Red to Maroon 
Starstone : Opal

Your ego is strong today, Scorpio, and you have a strong will. This is a good time to put your plan for world domination into effect. Be sure you channel your powerful emotions into positive outlets. Create rather than destroy. Energy that isn't used in a positive way will end up manifesting as accidents or hostility toward people who don't deserve it

America Please.

I have wanted to go to America, i live in England and most people i know have a dream to go to America. For me New York would be a dream come true :) In the coming year there is a possibility i could be going to New York so fingers crossed for that.

There is one huge reason America appeals to me so much, the food! I have always had this image that America does the best tasting foods. 
I would love to know if that is correct or not.

We have these in England but the flavors are limited, America seems to have many for flavors. 

We have a shop in the city that sells Hershey bars and i have had a few, but these cookies look insane.

I went to a Dunkin Doughnuts when i went to Germany. It was great and i'd love to go again.

I' like to go here too so i can compare :)

These look so nice, i plan to find a recipe and try to make them.

Just because it sounds nice.

I had a giant pretzel covered in sugar, but nothing like this one.