Thursday, 8 March 2012

three main events this summer.

Wakestock Festival.

I have only ever been to one festival, so I am really glad to be going to another, despite the fact the line-up isn't wonderful, I don't really mind because there are other things to do as well and I thought it was pretty cheap.


Majorca 15th July - 25th July

Things worked out rather jammed as literally six days after returning from Wakestock festival I go on holiday for ten nights.
Now I am not complaining, but packing and preparing for a holiday is always really hectic, especially when you're not going with parents. So I fear everything will be left until the last minute, although I can't wait for this and it is by far the event I am looking forward to the most.


V festival 

I am really excited about this, as the killers have been one of my favourite bands since I was little and I love Nicki Minaj.
I have already bought this ticket costing me at around £195 which isn't too bad, but there is still travel and other items to purchase yet.
We couldn't decide whether to go here or Leeds festival, but all along I wanted to go here and now I am :)

My new favourite animal

The elephant.
I have two elephant necklaces and a belt, but I never realized that I liked them so much.
I have seen a few real life elephants and they are so strange like owls, which is my other favourite animal.
Even though elephants are huge they still manage to look really cute.
I have a stuffed owl called Immanuel and a little yellow whale called Grenitch, so now I want a little elephant as well :)

A teddy like this one would be lovely.


So in January I resat one of my exams for Sociology, just so I could achieve the grade I needed as I was just two marks off when I orginally did the exam, which was pretty frustrating.
I was very positive after I had done the exam and was looking forward to my grade. However today I went to collect that grade and found instead of gaining an extra two marks I actually had dropped one grade and so my university application had been processed as my previous grade. Which is all okay for now, it hasn't put me back much as another subject, Media, my grade went up in that.

However today opened my eyes as to how devastated I am going to be if I don't get to go to university, as I had already accepted my offer and will be sorting out accomodation in April. I haven't sorted out a back up plan yet and really don't want to need one, as all my friends are already at university, I will be gutted if I don't get in now.

I spoke to some teachers who deal with the applications and their advise were that I have nothing to worry about as I am on track, but the way I am seeing it is that my future depends one just three exams and one person marking them. It's daunting and that's the future I have chosen.
I pray that everything goes well with revision and the exams so that I can finally move away from home and do what I want to do.

Sunday, 5 February 2012


Black cats are very suspicious to me.
I seem to have the idea that they are always doing something really bad, because they're not like other cats. They seem odd. I bet they are all witches.

The months of which I can't tolerate are almost over. 
I really despise January and February and that's probably because of the weather, now that Christmas is over I automatically expect the snow to have gone. However we had a heavy snow fall yesterday.
It is terrible because the trees have no leaves, and it's too cold to wear dresses. I am always sleepy at this point of year and mainly because I have a lot to look forward to that I am growing impatient.

I also had a craving over the past week, for something I have never had and that would be rather difficult too have.
S'mores, seeing as nowhere seems to sell Graham crackers and Google isn't helping me find an alternative it seems as though the only way i'll get one is to go to America.

This is a mean cookie.

Monday, 9 January 2012


I changed my blog yet again because I am easily bored of how it looks. And it was a little too dark and seeming as I cannot wait until spring and summer now I figured it was time.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


 I don't believe that Christmas and New Years have been and gone already. I have been wonderfully busy for the past couple of weeks, enjoy the festive season and working. I got all my lovely presents for Christmas included some I didn't know I was getting.
One present which I was really thankful for was from my mum, she got me a clay jar, that you save money in and break up when it is time. Mine says 'Holiday fund' on it as I am going on holiday this year, I thought it was a really thoughtful present.

I loved getting my irregular choice shoes so much that I ordered another pair that I saw whilst I was shopping in Leeds. I spent nearly all the money I got over Christmas on the sales, so I can update my wardrobe and now I can't wait for summer to come as I hate these bit's in between Christmas and Summer.

2011 was a lovely year as I passed my A-Levels and applied to university which ended up me getting accepted into the one I really wanted.
I finally quit my old part-time job so I could get a much better one, which I did and I really hope  I am there for a long time.
I turned 19 this year and went to Leeds Festival which was great.
They are a couple of memories that I am happy about and I hope 2012 is much better than 2011.

I am really happy as literally just now I finished my book that I have been working on since I was thirteen, It is a very special thing to achieve and I am glad it has happened in the new year. As it adds light to my first days of January seeing as I have been bed bound with illness for the past few days.

However now I am feeling better I need to start revising from my exam next week and crack on with some art work.

My News Years resolutions are:

Loose some weight so I can look could in a swimming costume

Take more photographs


Simple things.